This Constitution shall be sent to the Ratification Conventions of all the States in the United States.
The composition of the Ratification Conventions shall be as described elsewhere in this Constitution.
Acceptance of this Constitution shall be by Ratification Conventions only.
The rules of procedure for the Ratification Conventions will be as described elsewhere in this Constitution.
The date the Constitution becomes effective is fourteen days after the last State needed for Ratification votes for the amendment.
Neither the Citizens nor the States nor the Ratification Conventions may make any amendments to this Constitution.
Once a Ratification Convention has concluded, the Yea or Nay vote shall be forwarded to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Once forwarded no Ratification vote may be changed for any reason.
The Ratification of this Constitution of the Conventions of the specified number of States (3/4), shall be enough for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same.
Should the Ratification fail due to enough majority, then the previous Constitution shall remain in effect.
If enough majority is achieved, then all States who were sent the Constitution for Ratification will be considered to have accepted the Constitution and will be a part of the new government. No State may decline to join the new government.