The President shall be Commander in Chief of the four branches of the Military: Army and Army Reserve, Navy and Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the National Guard of the various States, when called into the actual Service of the United States following a declaration of War. When there is no declaration of war in effect, the Governors of the various States shall command their respective National Guards.
If the President determines that some military action must be taken against an enemy of the US, he is allowed a budget enough to pay for a Regiment of soldiers and corresponding Air Force and Navy support to deploy for 30 days. If the excursion is to last longer than that, he must get a declaration of War from the Congress. The declaration of war needs a 70% majority vote in both houses to succeed. The President is only allowed one excursion a year that does not become a declared war. Currently we have a situation where the President is drone bombing enemies of the United States in countries that we have not declared war on. This practice is prohibited. The killing of American Citizens in foreign countries at the President’s order without a court’s finding is forbidden. The internment of non-military prisoners, named as enemies of the US, for more than three years without trial is prohibited.
Every military operation no matter the length of the operation must begin with a public statement of intent and the reasons for the excursion: 1) Tell the Citizens what behavior of the enemy prompts the action, 2) What outcome is expected, 3) The length of time needed to accomplish the action and 4) The amount of the expenditure to fund the excursion.
No war or excursion shall last longer than a year. Therefore, in the event a war or excursion goes over one year, the President must inform the Citizens the reasons for the delay and his expectations for quickly concluding the war. Congress must also have a full debate about the status of the war and have a fresh vote on funding the war. The majority vote must be 75%. The Citizens of the United States have the right to call for a referendum on continuing the war if 10% of Citizens legally sign a petition.
The President is enjoined to remember that he is ordering Citizens to their possible death. The only purpose of any military action is to kill the enemy as quickly as possible with as few American casualties as possible. Therefore, any military action must be fought using certain principles: confiscate all weapons in the country we are attacking, establish a strict curfew in that country, kill anyone violating either of these two conditions, regard all Citizens of the adversary as enemies. There will be no demilitarized zones in any military action. To avoid American casualties, we must exterminate the enemy by means of superior firepower. I.E., if the enemy is in any building, blow up the building rather than risk American soldiers to take it by hand. At the onset of military action, every piece of infrastructure in the enemy country must be destroyed. That includes water, power, communications, roads, bridges, buildings, pipelines and more. These rules are meant to be draconian to stop our government from playing at war using up American lives for political purposes. If the government does not want to be serious about killing the enemy then the government doesn’t really want to enter a military action. Anything else is a betrayal of our soldiers and the trust of the Citizens. The President is absolutely forbidden to order tactics in a war such as choosing bombing targets. He may decide on strategic choices offered to him by the Joint Chiefs.
The Military shall disregard the President’s orders on tactics.
The Military can violate the Natural Rights of enemy Citizens.