Article 3 – Definition of Words Used in this Constitution
States – Those geographical areas which are organized as part of the United States to provide local government for its Inhabitants.
United States – All of the States that agree to this Constitution are part of the nation named: United States of America.
Citizens – will be defined further in this document but it signifies the inhabitants who are considered to belong to the United States. This word also collectively signifies Adult and Child Citizens.
Non-Citizens – will be defined further in this document but it signifies the Inhabitants who are considered not to belong to the United States but to belong to some other nation.
Inhabitants – This word is used to signify all citizens and all non-citizens.
Non-Inhabitants – This word is used to signify other people found outside of the United States who are not Citizens.
Person is used to collectively define any human whether a Citizen, Non-Citizen, Inhabitant or Non-Inhabitant.
Deminocracy – This word describes the form of government we wish to establish. A small government with diminished powers and acts.
Arms – This word is used to indicate weapons used by humans. Arms may be natural objects like rocks or sticks. Arms may also be manufactured items like rifles, pistols, knives, steel rods and more.
Peers – Peers are determined as follows: The jury for the trial of a citizen defendant requires a jury where all jurors are Adult citizens. The trial of a Non-Citizen requires a jury of Adult Inhabitants. The jury may be all Adult Citizens but may not be all Non-Citizens.
Family Member – Defined as grandparent, parent, spouse, brother, sister, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or grandchild.
Revolving door – Expresses the idea that a member of Congress leaves government service, goes into private employment and uses his inside knowledge and contacts to advance the interests of the employer.
Simple Minority of the Court – Expresses the idea that a simple minority is one vote less than the simple Majority vote. If the Court has nine members, the simple Minority vote is four even though the winning majority vote must be six. In a Court of 11 members, a simple minority will be five votes even though the wining majority vote is seven votes.
Lame-Duck Session – Denotes the period between a national election and the beginning of the next legislative and executive terms. In general, no government activity shall take place during this time as it will tend to contravene the will of the people as displayed by their votes.
Emolument in this Constitution means bribe.
Excessive bail is defined as > 10% of the assets of the charged.
Excessive fines are defined as > 10% of the assets of the charged.
Cruel and unusual is defined at this time to be quartering, death by forcible eating, burning alive, the dismemberment of limbs and excessive jail sentences.
Capital Punishment is defined as shooting, drug injection, hanging, electrocution or gas shall not be considered as cruel and unusual. Nor is the pain suffered during any capital punishment to be considered as cruel and unusual.
Public person is defined to be any Citizen who works for government in any way, is a lawyer, is in the entertainment or sporting business. The idea is that we want to exclude Citizens who may influence other Citizens simply by the force of their reputation.
Departments are to be defined by Congress. Departments also refers to the 4 branches of Government – Legislative, Executive, Judiciary and Bureaucracy.
Lawfare is defined as a form of legal warfare, consisting of using the legal system against an enemy for damaging their reputation, delegitimizing them, tying up their resources and time or winning a Public relations victory.
A Republican form of government is described by the following attributes:
No government can flourish unless it be founded on the affection of the people.
A Republic must have the correct number of Representatives.
Commercial Republics are not likely to go to war with each other.
Our Republic has the external force of a Monarchy.
Our Republic will control the effects of Faction.
Republics can rule a large area and many people.
Our Republic gives the form of Power to the citizens, but not the deed.
Republicanism requires a Supreme Judiciary and are to retain their offices by the firm tenure of good behavior.
Republicanism is open to foreign intrigue.
Any government, including Republics, have need of a Standing Army to quell rebellions.
Republics should be frugal.
Republicanism requires that the People directly vote for some of their representatives.
Republicanism will always have a struggle with stability and energy on the one hand and liberty on the other.
It is ESSENTIAL to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society.
It is SUFFICIENT for such a government that the persons administering it be appointed, either directly or indirectly, by the people.
A Republic must resist all tendencies towards aristocracy.
Republics should be careful about who they let into the country.
A Republic must have a small unostentatious national city.
Republicanism suffers greatly when the government mishandles the nation’s financial affairs, especially if they debase the money.
A republican, or free government, can only exist where the body of the people are virtuous, and where property is somewhat equally divided.
Republics require that the People are the ones to repair any Constitutional crisis.
Republicanism requires a bicameral Congress.
Republicanism, like other governments, REQUIRES Top People but Top People should not be a part of the Ruling Class and they must tread a path between representation and leading.
Businesspeople tend to be Republicans.
Only by insuring that every class of the People is represented in government will there be a true republic.
It is extremely dangerous in a Republic to allow foreign influence in the government.
It is dangerous to a Republic to have a Ruling Class.
A Republic needs a vigorous executive.
Republics require that Representative stay independent and not be completely Representative.
It is imperative that Top People must be made accountable for their actions.
A Republic cannot have titles of nobility.