Equality Under the Law
There will be no governmentally defined classes of Inhabitants allowed under this Constitution except as noted in the Constitution. For example, there will not be different classes of Inhabitants paying different rates of taxes.
Economic class is a naturally occurring class that is personal to each Citizen. Government shall not use economic class to differentiate among Citizens.
Free Speech
All Citizens have the Right of Free Speech.
Inhabitants do not have the full Right of Free Speech. It is not in the interest of the United States to grant free speech to Non-Citizens. Inhabitants have the right to speak while abiding by any regulations passed by Congress.
No part of government shall make a law or regulation abridging the freedom of speech in any way. For example, a person may shout “Fire” in a crowded place. If a panic ensues and damage occurs, that person may be liable under any number of National or State laws.
We make no differentiation between Free Speech or Free Press or money spent for Free Speech.
Free Speech does not include acts of Treason as defined by Congress.
No part of government shall make a law or regulation denying the right of the Citizens peaceably to assemble.
No part of government shall make a law or regulation denying the right of the Citizens to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
To preserve freedom of the Press, any news or opinion organization which conceals a news story for more than one week unless ordered to do so for security reasons by the government will no longer be a news or opinion organization and will be prohibited from enjoying those perks that may have accrued to them. For example, if news or opinion organizations have a tax break or special access to government events or employees, those perks will be prohibited. Any Adult Citizen has standing in court to challenge the qualification of any organization to be a news or opinion organization on the grounds of concealment of the news.
Any Adult Citizen has standing to sue the government in a court of law when the government is suspected of funding or fomenting a faction.