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Article 4 – Natural Rights – Arms, Life

Article 4 – Natural Rights of all Citizens
Any violation of any of these Natural Rights by any person as determined by a court of law will be punishable for a term of five years in prison.

Right to Bear Arms
Every Citizen has the Right to keep and bear Arms and this right shall not be infringed in any way except as noted in this Constitution.
Every Adult Citizen has the right to own and use the same equipment that an ordinary infantry soldier in the Army possesses. If, in the future, a common soldier carries a laser weapon, or a particle beam weapon, or any other weapon, then every Adult Citizen has the right to carry those same weapons.
The reason that Adult Citizens should be armed the same as soldiers is to insure the Adult Citizens can defeat despotism should it be attempted by the government or any group or to help defend the Nation in the event of an invasion.
The arms may also be used for self-defense, hunting or any other lawful activity such as sporting events. The States or Congress are permitted to make laws further defining lawful activities but may not use it as a subterfuge to deny the right to bear arms to the Citizens.
The right to bear arms is limited to Citizens and is not granted to Non-Citizens.
Congress and the States shall determine the conditions pertaining to Child Citizens owing a weapon. A ban on Child Citizens owning a weapon is prohibited.
Congress and the States are prohibited from infringing the right of Adult Citizens to possess ammunition, weapons parts or any other item needed to support the right to bear arms.
Congress and the States are prohibited from placing taxes on weapons or weapon components such as parts or ammunition.

Every Inhabitant has the right to Life. Exceptions to this Right are further defined in this Constitution.
An Inhabitant bearing a child has the right to an abortion if, after the 23rd week, a determination is made by two doctors that the child-bearer’s life suffers from a life-threatening event. Doctors are mandated to use a strict definition of the words life-threatening.
An Inhabitant bearing a child has the right to an abortion if, after the 23rd week, a determination is made by two doctors that the child suffers from a life-threatening event or a severe physical malformation. Doctors are mandated to use a strict definition of the words life-threatening and severe.
The government may take a person’s life as punishment for various crimes as designated by the National and State legislatures.
The killing of combatants is permitted during a time of declared war.
The taking of a person’s life by an Inhabitant may result in criminal punishment or civil lawsuit according to laws devised by the National and State governments.