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Article 5 – Section 2 – Voting

Section 2 – Voting
All Adult Citizens have the right to vote. The various States and the National government may pass laws to further define where and when an Adult Citizen may vote. But they may not take the vote away from any Adult Citizen for any reason except as noted in this Constitution.
If you work for a company whose revenues come primarily (greater than 50%) from the National government, you are not allowed to vote in the national elections. If you work for a company whose revenues come primarily (greater than 50%) from the State government, you are not allowed to vote in the State elections. For example, if a Citizen works for a cleaning company and all the business does is clean government buildings for government money, that citizen can’t vote. The key here is that the Citizen’s salary consists of taxpayer money so that Citizen cannot vote for representatives who will be tempted to give that Citizen government largess to encourage that Citizen to vote for their policies.
Any Citizen receiving government money of any kind that is the primary source of income (Greater than 50%) is not permitted to vote in national elections. So yes, if a Citizen is in the national military, that Citizen cannot vote nor can the President or any national government employee. The bottom line: if a Citizen wants to vote in elections, that Citizen should not accept government money in any fashion.
Congress shall make laws to deal with any issue arising from these prohibitions.
Adult Citizens, please note: voting is your most useful power. Do not let any government entity take that right away from any of your fellow Adult Citizens without your full agreement.
A valid National voter must have a National voter id card. The voter id card must have a photo attached. Every American, wherever they are in the world should be able to use their voter id card to vote. Mail-in voting is prohibited in all national elections.
All State or National voting must be done with presentation and verification of the voter ID.
Voters must be registered seven days before the days selected for a vote
Voting will take place over two days.
Early voting is allowed from ten days before the vote until the last day before the vote.
The names and voting location of all voters who vote in an election will be published after an election so that every Citizen can check to see that their vote was recorded and where it was recorded.
Voters not in the United States will be provided a way to vote in all National elections.
All National elections will take place on the second Tuesday of December and the Wednesday following, the two days to be consecutive.
The voting for a Representative shall be held in the district that he represents. The voting for a Senator must be in the State. If the State has Senatorial Districts, then the voting for a Senator must be in that District. Voting for President and Vice-President shall be in all locations in all States.
All the names of the voters will be cross-referenced to see if any Adult Citizens voted twice in that election. Any Citizen found guilty of voting more than once will be put in jail for a year with the loss of voting rights for five years.
Any Non-Citizen found voting in a National election shall spend one year in jail and then be expelled from the United States forever. If they re-enter the United States and are caught, they will spend a lifetime in jail.
If the Adult Citizens are disabled and cannot go to a voting station, take the station to them.
Any district that reports more recorded votes than are registered will have their voting totals completely disallowed and the local Citizen in charge of elections will be charged in court. If found guilty, ten years in prison and the loss of voting rights forever.
Any district with 100% for one candidate in a two or more-candidate race will be completely disallowed and the local Citizen in charge of elections will be charged in court. If found guilty, ten years in prison and the loss of voting rights forever. Any election officials found to conspire to permit illegal voting will get five years in jail and permanent loss of voting privileges.
Anyone with an address in the Federal city will not be allowed to vote in any federal election after the expiration of twenty-five years after the ratification of this Constitution.
Congress and the States shall make the laws necessary to secure the identity of the Citizen voting to ensure the integrity of the election.
The Courts are instructed to regard the integrity of the voting process to be one of their primary duties.
Any person convicted of treason will lose State and National voting privileges permanently.
No Citizen may lose any voting privileges due to a criminal conviction of any kind.