Section 7 – Limits on Classes of Citizens
The National and the various State governments are prohibited from creating different classes of Citizens. Today, in 2016, Citizens are classed for tax purposes by economic standing. Citizens are classed by sex or race or more to qualify for governmental largess. Citizens are classed by race or more to gain preferential admittance to State institutions of higher learning. Citizens who are Native Americans have preferential national treatment. Citizens who are veterans get preferential hiring into government jobs. There are a multitude of classes in the United States created and extended by the current National government. The Courts will take care to disallow any governmental classification of Citizens beyond the classification of Adult and Child Citizens and Non-Citizens. The Courts will ensure that every law applies equally to every Inhabitant except as noted in this Constitution. If there is a need to create a special class of Citizens, then the Adult Citizens will determine that through a national referendum. The vote to agree to a special class must be by 70% of the total popular vote and the popular vote of 60% of the States. Congress shall make the laws necessary to regulate such referenda.
Section 8 – Responsibilities of Citizens
The National and the various State governments are prohibited from creating different classes of Citizens. Today, in 2016, Citizens are classed for tax purposes by economic standing. Citizens are classed by sex or race.