Legislative Process
The Senate shall choose their President pro tempore and other Officers from among the Senators assembled.
The Senate is prohibited from having a negative in the vote. Every voting matter shall be worded so that a Yes vote is always in the affirmative. For example, a vote to approve a treaty shall not be worded as “The Senate does not approve the treaty…”.
The Senate can have open sessions for only one week every month in a year.
The Senate can have committee work for only two weeks every month in a year.
The Senators shall spend one week in every month in their home office where they shall be available to their constituents for eight hours each work day (Monday through Friday) even if in adjournment.
No one shall cast a Senators’ vote except that Senator. Any person found violating this rule shall be imprisoned for five years and lose their voting privileges for ten years. Any Senator found to have colluded in allowing another to vote in their place shall be immediately expelled from Congress and never be allowed to work for any government in any capacity.
Every Bill debated by the Senate shall be made public fourteen business days prior to the debate.
No Bill may be composed of more than one distinct topic. For example, the Senate is barred from having a Bill that combines military pay with road building.
From Bill proposal to the vote, no more than three months shall pass.
The Senate shall have the Power to try all Impeachments. Impeachment votes must be scaled to the importance of the person being tried: 67% of all those present for President, Vice President and the Supreme Court, 60% for lesser judges and cabinet members, 55% for all others. Any members not present will be considered to have voted Yes but Not Present for impeachment and that vote shall not be counted in the majority vote.
Impeachment shall be handled similarly to any appeals court case. The Senate shall designate prosecutors and defenders to render a fair verdict to the charge of impeachment. No witnesses nor new evidence is allowed. The trial must be solely on the charges forwarded by the House.
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall result in removal from Office. The convicted person may never be employed in any government of any kind. The Party convicted shall be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law if applicable. Any pension or emolument of any kind that was granted for government service will be taken away. Any other personal wealth will remain to the impeached person.
The Senate may not bring a charge of impeachment against one of its own members. That charge shall be brought and tried by the House.
Upon a finding of impeachment for any Representative, the trial shall commence immediately in the Senate.
The charge shall also be sent to the FBI for a complete investigation. The results of that investigation shall be made public and sent to the Senate.