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Article 7- Section 7 – Limits on the Executive

Every nomination by the President must receive a vote within one month of the submission.
Every change of President should be accompanied by a complete change of all appointments that are within the Presidential power. This allows the President to have his own team. More importantly it puts the Senate on notice to do their job quickly.
Ambassadors must come from the Foreign Service; no political appointees (money-givers). No party apparatchiks or money bundlers will be allowed at all. Adult Citizens chosen from the Foreign Service for appointments must have fifteen years of service or more to stop Congress from putting Adult Citizens into the Foreign Service just so they can become Ambassadors.
No revolving-door is allowed for Adult Citizens to go from business to government and back again to cash in on their contacts.
Any prisoner swap or spy swap or bargaining of any kind over prisoners or hostages shall be made only with the consent of the Senate and the House. Any of these activities are a treaty and should be handled as such.
The President is prohibited from using the Military within the boundaries of the US.
The President is prohibited from quartering greater than 10% of the military outside of the United States and its territories excluding the Navy except during a declared war or congressionally approved excursion.
The President shall not use Executive Orders for anything other than National Security. Any Citizen has standing to take Executive orders to court. The Courts are enjoined to limit the President to true National Security issues and not allow the President to stretch it to fanciful problems like Climate Change.
The President is prohibited from making Executive Agreements.
The president is prohibited from handing out prizes to favored Citizens like the Medal of Freedom.
The President is prohibited from making deals to save businesses from bankruptcy through the loan of tax dollars.
The President is prohibited from creating National monuments.
The President is prohibited from placing National lands off-limits to developers or Citizens. That action must be left to Congress.
The President is prohibited from banning any American business from doing business in any country that is not in a State of War with the United States.
The President may not have the power of pardoning or commuting the sentences of individuals.
The President may not have the power of recess appointments.
The President may not have the power to adjourn Congress.
The First Spouse is allowed one assistant and no budget to indulge themselves in some project at the taxpayers’ expense. They are spouses. If they get bored, they can go volunteer somewhere but not on the government dime.