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Articles 1, 2 – Establishment, Purpose

Constitution of the United States
Article 1 – Establishment of the Constitution
We the Citizens of the United States do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. All the words starting with the words “Constitution of the United States” above and continuing to end of the words “The End of the Constitution of the United States” below are part of the Constitution.

Article 2 – The Purpose of Government
What is the purpose of government? The purpose of government is to be the structure for its citizens that supports a society that promotes and defends the Natural Rights of all humans.
What are the only proper functions of government? The only proper functions of government are two things: 1) To provide for the common defense, 2) To provide the few governmental services needed to promote and defend Natural Rights.
What powers and complementary acts should the Citizens grant to government to carry out the purpose and the functions? The powers and acts granted to the government by the Shared Consent of its citizens to fulfill its purpose and functions must be limited and specific. The powers and acts must be enumerated in this Constitution.

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Article 3 – Definitions

Article 3 – Definition of Words Used in this Constitution
States – Those geographical areas which are organized as part of the United States to provide local government for its Inhabitants.
United States – All of the States that agree to this Constitution are part of the nation named: United States of America.
Citizens – will be defined further in this document but it signifies the inhabitants who are considered to belong to the United States. This word also collectively signifies Adult and Child Citizens.
Non-Citizens – will be defined further in this document but it signifies the Inhabitants who are considered not to belong to the United States but to belong to some other nation.
Inhabitants – This word is used to signify all citizens and all non-citizens.
Non-Inhabitants – This word is used to signify other people found outside of the United States who are not Citizens.
Person is used to collectively define any human whether a Citizen, Non-Citizen, Inhabitant or Non-Inhabitant.
Deminocracy – This word describes the form of government we wish to establish. A small government with diminished powers and acts.
Arms – This word is used to indicate weapons used by humans. Arms may be natural objects like rocks or sticks. Arms may also be manufactured items like rifles, pistols, knives, steel rods and more.
Peers – Peers are determined as follows: The jury for the trial of a citizen defendant requires a jury where all jurors are Adult citizens. The trial of a Non-Citizen requires a jury of Adult Inhabitants. The jury may be all Adult Citizens but may not be all Non-Citizens.
Family Member – Defined as grandparent, parent, spouse, brother, sister, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or grandchild.
Revolving door – Expresses the idea that a member of Congress leaves government service, goes into private employment and uses his inside knowledge and contacts to advance the interests of the employer.
Simple Minority of the Court – Expresses the idea that a simple minority is one vote less than the simple Majority vote. If the Court has nine members, the simple Minority vote is four even though the winning majority vote must be six. In a Court of 11 members, a simple minority will be five votes even though the wining majority vote is seven votes.
Lame-Duck Session – Denotes the period between a national election and the beginning of the next legislative and executive terms. In general, no government activity shall take place during this time as it will tend to contravene the will of the people as displayed by their votes.
Emolument in this Constitution means bribe.
Excessive bail is defined as > 10% of the assets of the charged.
Excessive fines are defined as > 10% of the assets of the charged.
Cruel and unusual is defined at this time to be quartering, death by forcible eating, burning alive, the dismemberment of limbs and excessive jail sentences.
Capital Punishment is defined as shooting, drug injection, hanging, electrocution or gas shall not be considered as cruel and unusual. Nor is the pain suffered during any capital punishment to be considered as cruel and unusual.
Public person is defined to be any Citizen who works for government in any way, is a lawyer, is in the entertainment or sporting business. The idea is that we want to exclude Citizens who may influence other Citizens simply by the force of their reputation.
Departments are to be defined by Congress. Departments also refers to the 4 branches of Government – Legislative, Executive, Judiciary and Bureaucracy.
Lawfare is defined as a form of legal warfare, consisting of using the legal system against an enemy for damaging their reputation, delegitimizing them, tying up their resources and time or winning a Public relations victory.
A Republican form of government is described by the following attributes:
No government can flourish unless it be founded on the affection of the people.
A Republic must have the correct number of Representatives.
Commercial Republics are not likely to go to war with each other.
Our Republic has the external force of a Monarchy.
Our Republic will control the effects of Faction.
Republics can rule a large area and many people.
Our Republic gives the form of Power to the citizens, but not the deed.
Republicanism requires a Supreme Judiciary and are to retain their offices by the firm tenure of good behavior.
Republicanism is open to foreign intrigue.
Any government, including Republics, have need of a Standing Army to quell rebellions.
Republics should be frugal.
Republicanism requires that the People directly vote for some of their representatives.
Republicanism will always have a struggle with stability and energy on the one hand and liberty on the other.
It is ESSENTIAL to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society.
It is SUFFICIENT for such a government that the persons administering it be appointed, either directly or indirectly, by the people.
A Republic must resist all tendencies towards aristocracy.
Republics should be careful about who they let into the country.
A Republic must have a small unostentatious national city.
Republicanism suffers greatly when the government mishandles the nation’s financial affairs, especially if they debase the money.
A republican, or free government, can only exist where the body of the people are virtuous, and where property is somewhat equally divided.
Republics require that the People are the ones to repair any Constitutional crisis.
Republicanism requires a bicameral Congress.
Republicanism, like other governments, REQUIRES Top People but Top People should not be a part of the Ruling Class and they must tread a path between representation and leading.
Businesspeople tend to be Republicans.
Only by insuring that every class of the People is represented in government will there be a true republic.
It is extremely dangerous in a Republic to allow foreign influence in the government.
It is dangerous to a Republic to have a Ruling Class.
A Republic needs a vigorous executive.
Republics require that Representative stay independent and not be completely Representative.
It is imperative that Top People must be made accountable for their actions.
A Republic cannot have titles of nobility.

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Article 4 – Natural Rights – Arms, Life

Article 4 – Natural Rights of all Citizens
Any violation of any of these Natural Rights by any person as determined by a court of law will be punishable for a term of five years in prison.

Right to Bear Arms
Every Citizen has the Right to keep and bear Arms and this right shall not be infringed in any way except as noted in this Constitution.
Every Adult Citizen has the right to own and use the same equipment that an ordinary infantry soldier in the Army possesses. If, in the future, a common soldier carries a laser weapon, or a particle beam weapon, or any other weapon, then every Adult Citizen has the right to carry those same weapons.
The reason that Adult Citizens should be armed the same as soldiers is to insure the Adult Citizens can defeat despotism should it be attempted by the government or any group or to help defend the Nation in the event of an invasion.
The arms may also be used for self-defense, hunting or any other lawful activity such as sporting events. The States or Congress are permitted to make laws further defining lawful activities but may not use it as a subterfuge to deny the right to bear arms to the Citizens.
The right to bear arms is limited to Citizens and is not granted to Non-Citizens.
Congress and the States shall determine the conditions pertaining to Child Citizens owing a weapon. A ban on Child Citizens owning a weapon is prohibited.
Congress and the States are prohibited from infringing the right of Adult Citizens to possess ammunition, weapons parts or any other item needed to support the right to bear arms.
Congress and the States are prohibited from placing taxes on weapons or weapon components such as parts or ammunition.

Every Inhabitant has the right to Life. Exceptions to this Right are further defined in this Constitution.
An Inhabitant bearing a child has the right to an abortion if, after the 23rd week, a determination is made by two doctors that the child-bearer’s life suffers from a life-threatening event. Doctors are mandated to use a strict definition of the words life-threatening.
An Inhabitant bearing a child has the right to an abortion if, after the 23rd week, a determination is made by two doctors that the child suffers from a life-threatening event or a severe physical malformation. Doctors are mandated to use a strict definition of the words life-threatening and severe.
The government may take a person’s life as punishment for various crimes as designated by the National and State legislatures.
The killing of combatants is permitted during a time of declared war.
The taking of a person’s life by an Inhabitant may result in criminal punishment or civil lawsuit according to laws devised by the National and State governments.

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Article 4 – Liberty, Constitutional Government, Religion

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Service in the Military is not considered to be involuntary servitude in the event of a draft to build the size of the Military.

Right to establish a meaningful Constitution that provides for a limited government
This Constitution shall establish what a limited government means but one object is clear – no Power granted to the government will be unlimited in its Acts.

Freedom of Religion and Freedom to have No Religion
No part of any government shall make a law or regulation respecting an establishment of religion.
No part of any government shall make a law or regulation prohibiting the free exercise of religion.
No part of any government shall make a law or regulation mandating the exercise of religion.
No part of any government shall take part in an affirmation of a religion. For example, at a football game where the school is a part of government, there shall be no organized display of religion, not even a moment of silence. Government funding of any kind given to a school qualifies it as a government school.
No part of any government shall make laws which favor the religious over the non-religious. For example, laws which ban sales on Sundays are prohibited.

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Article 4 – Equality, Free Speech

Equality Under the Law
There will be no governmentally defined classes of Inhabitants allowed under this Constitution except as noted in the Constitution. For example, there will not be different classes of Inhabitants paying different rates of taxes.
Economic class is a naturally occurring class that is personal to each Citizen. Government shall not use economic class to differentiate among Citizens.

Free Speech
All Citizens have the Right of Free Speech.
Inhabitants do not have the full Right of Free Speech. It is not in the interest of the United States to grant free speech to Non-Citizens. Inhabitants have the right to speak while abiding by any regulations passed by Congress.
No part of government shall make a law or regulation abridging the freedom of speech in any way. For example, a person may shout “Fire” in a crowded place. If a panic ensues and damage occurs, that person may be liable under any number of National or State laws.
We make no differentiation between Free Speech or Free Press or money spent for Free Speech.
Free Speech does not include acts of Treason as defined by Congress.
No part of government shall make a law or regulation denying the right of the Citizens peaceably to assemble.
No part of government shall make a law or regulation denying the right of the Citizens to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
To preserve freedom of the Press, any news or opinion organization which conceals a news story for more than one week unless ordered to do so for security reasons by the government will no longer be a news or opinion organization and will be prohibited from enjoying those perks that may have accrued to them. For example, if news or opinion organizations have a tax break or special access to government events or employees, those perks will be prohibited. Any Adult Citizen has standing in court to challenge the qualification of any organization to be a news or opinion organization on the grounds of concealment of the news.
Any Adult Citizen has standing to sue the government in a court of law when the government is suspected of funding or fomenting a faction.

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Article 4 – Privacy, Property

Right to Privacy
No Soldier shall be quartered at any time in any house without the consent of the Inhabitant. Nor shall any police activity take place in any house without consent of the Inhabitant.
All Inhabitants have the right to be secure in their selves, houses, papers, transportation, communications, possessions and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. This right shall not be violated and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause supported by Oath or Affirmation. The warrant must particularly describe the place to be searched and the Inhabitants or things to be seized.
No-knock entries into a home that result in the death of an Inhabitant shall result in the automatic trial of all law enforcement officers involved in the raid. There is no governmental immunity except as noted in this Constitution.
No Inhabitants shall be subject to private property taken for public use, without just compensation. Just compensation is defined as the current market value of that property as determined from the tax rolls times 1.5. Public use is defined as being for a road or some other means of transportation. For example, Eminent Domain cannot be used for increasing tax revenue or to create a park or monument.

Property that you acquire
Every Inhabitant has the right to own property that they have legally acquired.
The National and the State government may own only a limited amount of public land as directed elsewhere in this Constitution.

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Article 4 – Social Rights, Self-Determination

Social Rights
Trial by a Jury of Peers, Selection of Rulers, Participation in Changes to the Social Contract, an Orderly Legal Process (trial and appeal, rights of prisoners and more).
The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended for any reason.
No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
All Inhabitants shall be given their lawful rights at the time of their arrest for any crime.
All Inhabitants shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial in all criminal prosecutions. The trial shall be accomplished with an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed. Law shall ascertain the district. An impartial jury is defined as a jury composed of peers of the defendant. All Inhabitants shall be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation.
All Inhabitants shall be confronted with the witnesses against them.
All Inhabitants shall have a compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in their favor
All Inhabitants shall have the Assistance of Counsel for their defense.

Self-Determination (“Pursuit of Happiness”) Within the Law
No government shall tell any Citizen what job they must perform.
Any person working for the Military does not have the full Right of Self-Determination. They have given up part of that right to follow the orders given them by the Military. They regain full rights upon exit from the Military.
This right is the one most open to latitude on the part of the Courts. It will be difficult to get the application of this Right correct under the law. One caution to the Courts is not to be deluded into thinking that this Right overbears other Rights. The Courts are prohibited from falling into the trap of allowing the Tragedy of the Commons in order to provide the self-determination right to a Citizen.

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Article 4 – Taxes, Standing, Legal Rebellion

Total taxes of 20% or less.
Congress and the States will create the regulations to ensure the total tax paid by any Citizen is to be 20% or less. Congress may apply a higher tax to Non-Citizens.
Property taxes are exempt from calculating the total 20% tax.
The courts are enjoined from allowing any government to declare any tax as a property tax as a way to increase their tax revenue. Property taxes are to be on land only.
Congress may not place a National tax on property. Property taxes are for local governments only because everyone will end up paying property tax either as a home-owner or by paying the pass-through property tax by renting an apartment.
Congress may place a 1% tax on gross revenue for all businesses. This tax will not be counted in the calculation of the 20% tax total.
As it must be a principle of limited government that all Citizens must pay taxes, there shall be no income tax at any level of government.
No tax can be progressive where the wealthier pay a higher tax rate than other citizens.
The main taxing mechanism of any government must be a sales tax.
To provide relief to the working poor, there are certain objects that must never be taxed by any government – food (including tobacco and liquor), clothing, medicine and transportation (bicycles, cars, plane tickets, etc.). Congress may determine that the sales tax may apply, for example, to some cars sold about a certain valuation. That is, a typic passenger car will have no sales tax, but a Lamborghini may have a sales tax applied. The same principle applies to high-end clothing and high-end food. This is not a progressive tax as the buyer is perfectly free to buy a no sales tax car for example if they object to paying sales tax on a car.

Standing to Challenge the Government at any time for any reason in a Court of Law.
Any Adult Citizen or lawful entity has standing to challenge the Government at any time for any Constitutional reason in a Court of Law. The Courts may combine suits if needed for efficiency. The Courts may disallow suits if they believe the suit has already been settled.

Legal Rebellion if the Rulers are “Bad” and the amending process is broken.
Referendum to approve a State Secession from the Union the rules to be determined by Congress and the States.
Referendum to break up a State the rules to be determined by Congress and the States.
Referendum to remove a President from office the rules to be determined by Congress and the States.
Referendum to remove all Congresspeople from office the rules to be determined by Congress and the States.

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Article 5 – Section 1 – Citizenship

Article 5 – Citizenship
Section 1 – Qualification for Citizenship
There are two classes of Inhabitants in the United States: Citizens and Non-Citizens. The government shall closely monitor all Non-Citizens. They shall be immediately ejected from the United States if their status is determined not to be legal. Congress shall determine what defines a legal Non-Citizen and an illegal Non-Citizen.
Naturalization of Non-Citizens to be Citizens will be further defined in this Constitution.
There shall be only two classes of citizenship: Adult Citizens and Child Citizens. Adult citizenship begins at the age of eighteen years. No age-related prohibitions may be placed on any Adult Citizen by any State government or the United States government that are not placed on an older Adult Citizen. For example, if consumption of alcohol is legal for adult citizens, then consumption of alcohol can begin at eighteen and cannot be prohibited.
To be considered a Child Citizen at birth requires that at least one of the biologic parents be a United States citizen. By biologic parent, we mean that either the egg donor or the sperm donor be a United States citizen and that the person bearing the child be a United States citizen. The place of birth of the child does not matter. No child shall be considered a citizen at birth if both parents are not citizens of the United States no matter the place of birth. No child shall be considered a citizen at birth if a donated egg or sperm of a citizen is used in the fertilization and the parents are not citizens of the United States. Congress shall pass the laws necessary to further define citizenship. The Courts are instructed to take the matter of citizenship very seriously and to apply strict scrutiny to any contested claim of citizenship.

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Article 5 – Section 2 – Voting

Section 2 – Voting
All Adult Citizens have the right to vote. The various States and the National government may pass laws to further define where and when an Adult Citizen may vote. But they may not take the vote away from any Adult Citizen for any reason except as noted in this Constitution.
If you work for a company whose revenues come primarily (greater than 50%) from the National government, you are not allowed to vote in the national elections. If you work for a company whose revenues come primarily (greater than 50%) from the State government, you are not allowed to vote in the State elections. For example, if a Citizen works for a cleaning company and all the business does is clean government buildings for government money, that citizen can’t vote. The key here is that the Citizen’s salary consists of taxpayer money so that Citizen cannot vote for representatives who will be tempted to give that Citizen government largess to encourage that Citizen to vote for their policies.
Any Citizen receiving government money of any kind that is the primary source of income (Greater than 50%) is not permitted to vote in national elections. So yes, if a Citizen is in the national military, that Citizen cannot vote nor can the President or any national government employee. The bottom line: if a Citizen wants to vote in elections, that Citizen should not accept government money in any fashion.
Congress shall make laws to deal with any issue arising from these prohibitions.
Adult Citizens, please note: voting is your most useful power. Do not let any government entity take that right away from any of your fellow Adult Citizens without your full agreement.
A valid National voter must have a National voter id card. The voter id card must have a photo attached. Every American, wherever they are in the world should be able to use their voter id card to vote. Mail-in voting is prohibited in all national elections.
All State or National voting must be done with presentation and verification of the voter ID.
Voters must be registered seven days before the days selected for a vote
Voting will take place over two days.
Early voting is allowed from ten days before the vote until the last day before the vote.
The names and voting location of all voters who vote in an election will be published after an election so that every Citizen can check to see that their vote was recorded and where it was recorded.
Voters not in the United States will be provided a way to vote in all National elections.
All National elections will take place on the second Tuesday of December and the Wednesday following, the two days to be consecutive.
The voting for a Representative shall be held in the district that he represents. The voting for a Senator must be in the State. If the State has Senatorial Districts, then the voting for a Senator must be in that District. Voting for President and Vice-President shall be in all locations in all States.
All the names of the voters will be cross-referenced to see if any Adult Citizens voted twice in that election. Any Citizen found guilty of voting more than once will be put in jail for a year with the loss of voting rights for five years.
Any Non-Citizen found voting in a National election shall spend one year in jail and then be expelled from the United States forever. If they re-enter the United States and are caught, they will spend a lifetime in jail.
If the Adult Citizens are disabled and cannot go to a voting station, take the station to them.
Any district that reports more recorded votes than are registered will have their voting totals completely disallowed and the local Citizen in charge of elections will be charged in court. If found guilty, ten years in prison and the loss of voting rights forever.
Any district with 100% for one candidate in a two or more-candidate race will be completely disallowed and the local Citizen in charge of elections will be charged in court. If found guilty, ten years in prison and the loss of voting rights forever. Any election officials found to conspire to permit illegal voting will get five years in jail and permanent loss of voting privileges.
Anyone with an address in the Federal city will not be allowed to vote in any federal election after the expiration of twenty-five years after the ratification of this Constitution.
Congress and the States shall make the laws necessary to secure the identity of the Citizen voting to ensure the integrity of the election.
The Courts are instructed to regard the integrity of the voting process to be one of their primary duties.
Any person convicted of treason will lose State and National voting privileges permanently.
No Citizen may lose any voting privileges due to a criminal conviction of any kind.