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Article 7 – Section 1 – Compensation, Treaties, Continuation in Office

The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other payment from the United States, or any other source except those commercial entities which he owned before becoming President.
The compensation will be limited to ten times the compensation of a Representative.
Any changes in compensation will take place between the election and the swearing in.

The President will conduct the negotiations for all treaties.
The President shall not negotiate treaties with more than one other nation per treaty except in times of war. Treaty organizations like NATO in times of peace are banned.
Every treaty will come with a twenty-five-year expiration date.
Every treaty will be submitted to the Supreme Court for a review of its constitutionality.
All treaties approved by the Supreme Court for constitutionality shall be sent to the Senate and then the House for approval or disapproval.
No treaty can be agreed to in peace time that pledges the United States to declare war to aid one country besieged by another.
Immediately on ratification of this Constitution, treaties with the Indian nations are hereby abrogated and banned forever. Any lands belonging to Indian tribes are their lands to do with as they please. Any special laws pertaining to Indian lands or persons are hereby abrogated.

Continuation in Office
The President is subject to impeachment whether in office or out for any act taken while in office.

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Article 7 – Section 2 – Cabinet and Staff

The President shall receive full details every month, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the Executive Departments, upon every subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices.
The President will retain the right to appoint his personal staff, currently designated by the name White House Offices. These employees will be compensated the same as Representatives. They are not subject to nomination or confirmation by the Senate. The President is prohibited from pardoning them for any reason.
Every member of the Executive Office of the President is subject to nomination and confirmation by the Senate. Congress shall set their compensation. The President is prohibited from pardoning them for any reason.
The Congress shall consult with the President in determining the proper structure of the various White House staff and their titles and compensation.

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Article 7 – Section 3 – Executive Powers

He shall every year give to the Congress, Information of the State of the Union in a written statement only and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.
He may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses for matters of National security.
He may receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers.
He shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. Any Adult Citizen has standing to challenge the President’s actions in executing the Laws.
He shall Commission all the Officers of the United States military.
The President shall have the power to re-arrange the Executive Departments as needed with the approval of Congress.
The President shall have the direction of the preparatory plans of finance.
The President is not obligated to spend the money budgeted by Congress.
The President shall not spend money on actions prohibited by Congress nor on items that were not budgeted.
The President shall have the line-item veto for any Congressional action whether it be a Bill, a Resolution or more. Congress shall have right to override that veto.
The President shall have the arrangement of the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard and navy.
The President shall have the directions of the operations of war
He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate and House, to make Treaties.
He shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law.
The Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.
The President shall have what seems to be most properly understood by the administration of government.

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Article7 – Section 4 – Disqualification

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Congress shall determine the high Crimes and misdemeanors as needed. Some of them include: lying in a legal deposition, overriding the powers of Congress to change bankruptcy laws, appointing government officers without the advice and consent of the Senate, overriding the powers of Congress by creating new governmental departments and failure to execute the laws of the United States. Every Adult Citizen has standing to challenge the President in a court of law in the situation that Congress does not act.

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Article 7- Section 5 – Executive Departments

Upon ratification of this Constitution, the Congress shall establish the following federal Departments:
Department of Defense – Defensive war only
Department of Justice
Department of Treasury
Department of State
Department of Interior – Limited to the maintenance of National lands; coordination of Transportation
Department of Energy – domestic Nuclear policy
Department of VA – Limited to coordination between veterans and the private sector for health care, jobs, etc.
Department of Security – This is where all the police and spies are; FBI, CIA, Secret Service, etc.

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Article 7 – Section 6 – Military

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the four branches of the Military: Army and Army Reserve, Navy and Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the National Guard of the various States, when called into the actual Service of the United States following a declaration of War. When there is no declaration of war in effect, the Governors of the various States shall command their respective National Guards.
If the President determines that some military action must be taken against an enemy of the US, he is allowed a budget enough to pay for a Regiment of soldiers and corresponding Air Force and Navy support to deploy for 30 days. If the excursion is to last longer than that, he must get a declaration of War from the Congress. The declaration of war needs a 70% majority vote in both houses to succeed. The President is only allowed one excursion a year that does not become a declared war. Currently we have a situation where the President is drone bombing enemies of the United States in countries that we have not declared war on. This practice is prohibited. The killing of American Citizens in foreign countries at the President’s order without a court’s finding is forbidden. The internment of non-military prisoners, named as enemies of the US, for more than three years without trial is prohibited.
Every military operation no matter the length of the operation must begin with a public statement of intent and the reasons for the excursion: 1) Tell the Citizens what behavior of the enemy prompts the action, 2) What outcome is expected, 3) The length of time needed to accomplish the action and 4) The amount of the expenditure to fund the excursion.
No war or excursion shall last longer than a year. Therefore, in the event a war or excursion goes over one year, the President must inform the Citizens the reasons for the delay and his expectations for quickly concluding the war. Congress must also have a full debate about the status of the war and have a fresh vote on funding the war. The majority vote must be 75%. The Citizens of the United States have the right to call for a referendum on continuing the war if 10% of Citizens legally sign a petition.
The President is enjoined to remember that he is ordering Citizens to their possible death. The only purpose of any military action is to kill the enemy as quickly as possible with as few American casualties as possible. Therefore, any military action must be fought using certain principles: confiscate all weapons in the country we are attacking, establish a strict curfew in that country, kill anyone violating either of these two conditions, regard all Citizens of the adversary as enemies. There will be no demilitarized zones in any military action. To avoid American casualties, we must exterminate the enemy by means of superior firepower. I.E., if the enemy is in any building, blow up the building rather than risk American soldiers to take it by hand. At the onset of military action, every piece of infrastructure in the enemy country must be destroyed. That includes water, power, communications, roads, bridges, buildings, pipelines and more. These rules are meant to be draconian to stop our government from playing at war using up American lives for political purposes. If the government does not want to be serious about killing the enemy then the government doesn’t really want to enter a military action. Anything else is a betrayal of our soldiers and the trust of the Citizens. The President is absolutely forbidden to order tactics in a war such as choosing bombing targets. He may decide on strategic choices offered to him by the Joint Chiefs.
The Military shall disregard the President’s orders on tactics.
The Military can violate the Natural Rights of enemy Citizens.

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Article 7- Section 7 – Limits on the Executive

Every nomination by the President must receive a vote within one month of the submission.
Every change of President should be accompanied by a complete change of all appointments that are within the Presidential power. This allows the President to have his own team. More importantly it puts the Senate on notice to do their job quickly.
Ambassadors must come from the Foreign Service; no political appointees (money-givers). No party apparatchiks or money bundlers will be allowed at all. Adult Citizens chosen from the Foreign Service for appointments must have fifteen years of service or more to stop Congress from putting Adult Citizens into the Foreign Service just so they can become Ambassadors.
No revolving-door is allowed for Adult Citizens to go from business to government and back again to cash in on their contacts.
Any prisoner swap or spy swap or bargaining of any kind over prisoners or hostages shall be made only with the consent of the Senate and the House. Any of these activities are a treaty and should be handled as such.
The President is prohibited from using the Military within the boundaries of the US.
The President is prohibited from quartering greater than 10% of the military outside of the United States and its territories excluding the Navy except during a declared war or congressionally approved excursion.
The President shall not use Executive Orders for anything other than National Security. Any Citizen has standing to take Executive orders to court. The Courts are enjoined to limit the President to true National Security issues and not allow the President to stretch it to fanciful problems like Climate Change.
The President is prohibited from making Executive Agreements.
The president is prohibited from handing out prizes to favored Citizens like the Medal of Freedom.
The President is prohibited from making deals to save businesses from bankruptcy through the loan of tax dollars.
The President is prohibited from creating National monuments.
The President is prohibited from placing National lands off-limits to developers or Citizens. That action must be left to Congress.
The President is prohibited from banning any American business from doing business in any country that is not in a State of War with the United States.
The President may not have the power of pardoning or commuting the sentences of individuals.
The President may not have the power of recess appointments.
The President may not have the power to adjourn Congress.
The First Spouse is allowed one assistant and no budget to indulge themselves in some project at the taxpayers’ expense. They are spouses. If they get bored, they can go volunteer somewhere but not on the government dime.

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Article 8 – Section 1 – The Judiciary

Article 8 – The Judicial Branch

No person except a Citizen of the United States from birth shall be eligible to be member of the Judiciary.
No Person shall be eligible to the Judiciary who shall not have attained to the Age of forty Years.
No Person shall be eligible to the Judiciary who shall not have been thirty-five Years a Resident within the United States.
It is not necessary for a Supreme Court judge to be a lawyer or have a law degree. It is mandatory that at least one Supreme Court Justice shall not be a lawyer.

The only federal Judges who shall stand for election are Supreme Court judges.
Elections shall happen whenever a vacancy on the Supreme Court shall occur.
Elections will take place on the day designated by both houses of the legislature.
The vote for a Supreme Court Judge will be of two components: popular vote of Adult Citizens and a proportional vote by State. The proportional vote shall be: The Senate votes go to the winner of the popular vote in the state. The Representative votes shall go to the winner of the popular vote in each Representative District. The winner of the proportional vote shall be the candidate who gets more than 50% of the proportional vote. The successful candidate must also win the popular vote in at least 50% of the States.
The winner of the vote shall not be by Plurality but by Majority. If there are three or more candidates for Supreme Court Justice and no candidate collects the numbers outlined above then there must be a runoff the following week between the top two vote getters. The runoff vote will be conducted over two consecutive days and there will be no early voting. The vote must be held the Tuesday and Wednesday following the first vote.
Before the elected justice enters on the Execution of the Office, the justice shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of Justice of the Supreme Court, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Natural Rights of all its Citizens.”

Composition of the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court shall be composed of nine judges. In the case of a vacancy, no case may be decided until the vacancy be filled.
The role of Chief Justice shall be filed on a rotating basis of all the Supreme Court Justices. The term of Chief Justice shall last for one year.

Judges must retire from the court at the average age of death less ten years even if they have not reached the twenty-five-year limit on government service.
Justices must undergo physical and psychiatric evaluations every other year beginning at the age of sixty. The summary results must be given to the Majority Chair and the Minority Chair on the Judiciary committees of both Houses for dissemination to the members of both committees should anything out of the ordinary be reported in the evaluations. Should it be necessary, these Congress members must introduce articles of impeachment.

The justices shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office. Congress shall determine compensation at the end of a President’s term and the beginning of a new term.

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Article 8 – Section 2 – Judicial Powers

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.
The Judges, both supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good behavior. Congress shall determine Good Behavior but it includes sobriety, truthfulness, impartiality, honesty and lawful behavior. Any Citizen has standing to prove bad behavior in a court of law. If successful, impeachment is proved and the case goes to the Senate for a trial.
The Judiciary shall have the power to review governmental actions to determine their constitutionality. If the judges find that a Legislative or Executive act is unconstitutional, then the courts must declare that act invalid. The courts shall not offer redress for these violations. For example, in the past we have seen the courts find that schools were unconstitutionally segregated. The courts ordered redress by ordering the school districts to integrate on plans designed by the courts. These legislative acts by the courts are prohibited. Any Citizen has standing to challenge the courts if it appears that the courts have usurped legislative powers.
Any Judge or Judges found to have legislated in their rulings shall be removed from the Court and never be allowed to work for any government again.
The Judiciary shall hold this as their highest duty: that they shall defend the principle of limited government as defined in this Constitution against encroachments by the Executive, Legislative or Judiciary.
The Judiciary shall grant speedy enforcement of governmental or departmental usurpations. Speedy is defined to mean less than a week. Governmental usurpations consist of three types: federal usurpations against the States, usurpations of one branch of government on another (for example, the Congress on the President) and usurpations of the government on the Citizens (for example, violating one of the Natural Rights).